Wow I'm actually insulted.
Well, this is officially shitty. I'm pretty sure episode 4 of my series had the poles and stuff, just with sound. Lots of sound. I better get my ass doing episode 5 or you won't really have any material. I'm just glad you didn't rip off my jokes, I could clearly see that watching this. I'm not normally a bitter person but watching this made the bile rise to the back of my neck. And I DON'T have acid reflux, so there's a problem here. But I may as well critique this and take it in stride. After all, I'm sure anyone can watch my series and be the judge.
This had no sound, besides the theme you got from Kazaa. The buttons were slightly annoying, all taken from flash (please, some originality?). And the humour was just a guy getting it off with a Koala bear, and Johnny thought he was high or something. Poor flash, and even worse effort.